How to setup a WordPress Affiliate Program
To integrate WordPress with OSI Affiliate Software, just follow these instructions.
1. Introduction
Affiliate-Software-Omnistar is a WordPress plugin that integrates Omnistar Affiliate software into any Wordpress installation and tracks the click in affiliate software.
2. System Requirements
Requires at least: 2.6
Tested up to: 3.2.1
3. Description
This plugin integrates Omnistar Affiliate software into any Wordpress installation. Omnistar Affiliate software is a simplified affiliate marketing software that makes it easy to set up an affiliate program to increase your sales. You can rely on bullet-proof click/sale tracking technology, which combines multiple tracking methods into one powerful tracking system.
4. Features
Integrates Omnistar Affiliate software click-tracking into Wordpress.
5. Future Releases
Security enhancement and advance reporting features.
6. Change Log
1.0 :: Initial Release
7. Bugs
No known issue.
8. Installation
a. Unzip `` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
b. Activate Affiliate-Software-Omnistar plugin
c. Click on the "Omnistare Affiliate" link below the settings and add the Omnistar Affiliate software URL. It should be url of affiliate application url. For example:
d. Add the affiliate program in Omnistar Affiliate software and provide the wordpress blog url in Landing Page field.
e. Go to the marketing material section in Omnistar Affiliate software to see the clicks.
Download Free WordPress Affiliate Software Plugin