OSI Affiliate Software comes with the following five fraud protection features built in.

I. Transaction ID and Order ID Monitoring

The Transaction Id (A.K.A Order Id) Monitoring is used to prevent abuse. If the Transaction Id Monitor is set and a sale is made, the software will examine the Transaction Ids to check for sales with same ID. All future sales with same  ID will not be recorded because it is probably a fraudulent sale. If you activate this field, make sure you pass the Transaction Id within our tracking code on the thank you page. Also, make sure the Transaction id is unique. This is an optional feature.

Where to find:

1. Go to Set Up Software then settings.

2.  Show Advanced Settings.

3. Scroll and check the box for Transaction ID Monitoring.

II. Unique Click / Impression Fraud Protection

From the same Settings section, you will see an option - Enable Unique IP Counter (clicks / impressions):Most users do not need to worry about this feature because it is only used if you are paying your affiliate users for the clicks or impressions they send you. This method is not recommended for most affiliate marketers. It is recommended that you pay affiliate users if they send you a sale, so you really have nothing to lose. However, we do have some users who want to pay their affiliate users based upon clicks or impressions, so we have built this fraud protection. If you are paying your affiliate users based on clicks or impressions, our software will make sure to only award the affiliate user for unique clicks or impressions if this option is checked. It is recommended that if you are paying affiliate users for clicks or impressions that you turn on this option and only pay them for unique clicks. The software will examine the IP address and make sure it is unique.

III. Require Admin Approval for User Sign-up

Still in the same Settings section you will see an option - Require Affiliate User Approval.

If this option is turned on then any new affiliate user that signs up will have to be approved by the administrator. We recommend you turn on this option and verify who you allow to sign up for your affiliate program. You want to check the business is valid and has a valid phone number and web site.

IV. Prevent Duplicate Sales

You can easily prevent duplicate sales with Omnistar Affiliate Software. 

Where to find:

1. From your admin dashboard, go to Referral Programs. Select the program.

2. Under Referral Programs, you can either create (+Add button) or modify an existing program (blue pencil icon). Click on Show Advanced Settings. 

Minutes to wait before accepting a sale from the same IP

This field is used to prevent duplicate transactions. The amount of time you enter in this field is the number of minutes that the system will wait before it counts additional sales from the same IP. You can leave this field blank if you do not want to use it. The purpose of this field is to make sure if someone hits refresh on the thank you page then the sale is not counted more than once. This field is only used if you are awarding affiliate users based on sales and not if you are awarding affiliate users based on clicks or impressions.

V. Verify All Sales

You can easily set it up where the administrator has to verify all sales to make sure the commission is not fraud. Once the sale is verified then it can be added to the software. Before the sale is verified it is added to a special temporary location. You can setup this option on the same page.

All sales from this affiliate program must be approved before being added to the system

Simply check this option and then when a new sale is received it will have to be approved before it is added to the affiliate users invoice. Follow the steps below to approve a sale.

1. Got to Rewards from admin dashboard.

2. Click on Approve Now to approve a sale.