Drip is a cost-effective way for marketing automation. Get benefit from the power of drip's automation engine using visual workflow builder which permits you to define events visually. Drip builds a full marketing engine for your business not just sending emails. You may double your leads over the next 90 days with their free ($197 Value) video course.

Step 1: From Admin Dashboard, go to Set Up Software -> Settings and click on "Third Party Integration".

Step 2: Under Thir Party integration, click on "Drip Integration".

Step 3: Then click on "Connect to Drip".

Step 4: Login to your Drip account.

Step 5: Authorize the OSI Affiliate App on Drip.

Step 6: Now drip is successfully integrated. You can add drip tags for new signups. For drip integration reset, just click “Disconnect Drip” button.