How to setup Gambio Affiliate Program

More than 20,000 large and small webshops are using Gambio all-in-one shopping cart solution. StyleEdit (Layout designer) is the exclusive to Gambio tools to design the shop according to the your own unique ideas - no programming skills required. Gambio supports multi languages. Gambio is an effective eshop system which offers all basic functionality for handling an electronic shop. SEO-tools are built-in feature.


This integration method is only applicable with Gambio online shop solution v2.5 or above.

Open this file at system/classes/checkout and locate below text.
$coo_checkout_success_content_view->set_content_data('extender_html_array', $coo_checkout_success_extender_component->get_html_output_array());

Add the following code before above mentioned text.
// START - OSI Code
$osi_code = xtc_db_query("SELECT value FROM ".TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL." WHERE orders_id = '".$last_order."'");
$osi_code = xtc_db_fetch_array($osi_code);
$osi_code = '
    <script async>
    function hideIF() {    
        document.getElementById("IF").style.visibility = "";
    function getSaleInfo() {
        document.getElementById("st_code").style.visibility = "hidden";
        document.getElementById("st_code").innerHTML=\'<iframe src="YOUR-OSI-URL/sales/salejs/amount:'.$osi_code['value'].'/transaction:'.$last_order.'" alt="" id=IF width=50 height=50 border="0" frameborder="0" onload="hideIF()">\';
    window.onload = getSaleInfo;
    <div id="st_code"></div>
$coo_checkout_success_content_view->set_content_data('osi_code', $osi_code);
// ENDED - OSI Code

Change ‘YOUR-OSI-URL’ with your OSI URL.

Open this file checkout_success.html at templates/_YOUR_THEME_/module and add following code at the end of the file.

Go to admin panel at Toolbox -> Cache. Click ‘Empty Page Output Cache’ to empty the output cache.