“Get More Stripe Sales And Traffic”



The OSI Affiliate software has a settings section of the administrative control panel that allows you to control various settings within the software so you could set it up for your Stripe affiliate program. To access the settings section, click on the Getting started Drop down tab and go down to settings. Here is an explanation of each field on this page that you can update.


1. User Page Logo :

You can easily browse in your own logo to appear at the top left of the admin area by clicking the “Choose File” button and selecting your own logo from your computer to add.


2. User Page Logo Link :

You can add a hyperlink to the Logo so that when you click on the logo, you will be redirected to that a page on your Stripe store.


3. Delete User Page Logo :

If you would like to remove a logo that you have added and revert back to the Omnistar logo, simply check this box and click the update button at the bottom of the page.


4. Do not show Logo in Admin area :

Enable this check box if you do not want to show the logo but leave a blank space.


5. Time Zone :

You can set the time zone of your location so that all sales and invoice records will have the correct time and date stamp.


6. Require User Approval :

If you check this box all affiliates that sign up will need to be approved by the admin before they can login as a Stripe affiliate. When the sign up they will just see a message that says their affiliate account is pending approval. As an administrator you will get notified via email of this pending sign up and you will be able to go to the Affiliate Users tab in the admin area and then the approve affiliate users option. You will then be able to just click the “Approve Now” link next to any of the pending affiliates that you want to approve.


7. Show Social Share Widget to Logged in Users :

This option gives the ability to the User to view the social sharing Widget after login.


8. Require all Profile information after User logs in :

This option makes the User to fill up their Profile information once they login.


9. Show message to Users that do not fill out Update :

If this is set to YES, a message will be displayed on User's Dashboard if they do not complete all fields of Profile..


10. Email for Partners :

If your partners want to contact you, they can click on Contact Us from the User Portal and they will be directed to the email you have here.


11. Show Advanced Settings :

By clicking this link, you will be able to expand the list and view the additional advanced settings.


12. Allow Users to recruit other Users :

Once your Affiliate Users are logged in they will see a link that they can use to refer other users to your Affiliate program by which they can also receive a commission from their Sales. This is called a 2nd Tier commission and can be setup on Page 2 after you click on "Manage Affiliate Programs".


13. Show Link Tracker area when User logged in :

If this is enabled, then your affiliate users will be given a way to view more details on how it works, you can login as any user and go to the resource section. Once in the resource section, click on Affiliate Link Tracker.


14. Show Affiliate Link Guard when User logged in :

Once your Affiliate users are logged in, they will see a link that they can use to refer other users to your affiliate programs. If they refer other affiliate users to your affiliate program, they can receive a commission from their sales. For example if they refer an affiliate user and that user sends you a sale, you can pay them a commission of that sale. This is called a second tier commission and rhis can be setup on page 2 after you on Manage Affiliate program.


15. Affiliate User Invoice Notification :

If this option is checked the affiliate user will receive an email when the administrator marks an invoice as paid.


16. Language :

If you would like to display the affiliate user interface in another language, you can do that. Before changing this drop down option, you first will need to request secure FTP access to the current English language file via FTP. The language file is stored in this location lib/langpack/english.php. Once you download the file you will need to translate all the text to the language you want. Once you do that, you can save the file and call it the name of the language you just translated it to. For example, you can call it german.php if you translated it to German. Then once you translate the file you need to upload it back to our server. Once you have uploaded it back to the directory:

lib/langpack, you can then go back to the settings page and select your new language from the drop down list and then click update. Please note that this will only translate the Affiliate user area. It will not translate the admin control panel.


17. Cookie Lifetime :

This time period shows how long the browser cookie will remain active. When someone clicks an affiliate link browser cookies will be set on their computer with an expiration date based on the amount of days you put here. So if someone clicks on the affiliate link and goes to your site, they can return to make a purchase within 60 days for the affiliate to still get credit for the referred sale. You can make this time period longer or shorter, however 60 days is the recommend value.


18. Minimum Payout Amount :

By setting an amount in this field the software will automatically mark an invoice as “Pay This Invoice” when it reaches the entered amount.


19. Close Invoice Once Minimum Payout Reached :

You have the option of automatically marking the invoice as closed when it reaches the specified amount in the previous field. If you want to close the invoice when it reaches the entered amount then you should check the checkbox.


20. Transaction ID monitoring :

Transaction ID Monitoring is used to prevent abuse. If the Transaction ID Monitoring is set, then if a sale is made the software will examine the Transaction ID and if a sale comes in within the time entered for this field the software will look at the Transaction ID of the sale that came in and if the Transaction ID is identical to any sale that was made within the specified time then the software will not record the new sale because it is probably fraud. If you activate this field then make sure you pass the Transaction ID with every order. The recommended time is 24 hours for this field. Also, this feature can be disabled by setting this field to 0. This is an optional feature of the software.


21. Currency symbol :

You can change the currency symbol that appears on all sales and invoice records with the symbol that you put in this field.


22. Logout Redirection Link :

You can specify any url of a page that you want affiliates to go to once they logout of the affiliate user area. By default they will go to the affiliate main user page.


23. Affiliate Link format :

The recommended link option is the option which uses the #oid=2 format because it is search engine friendly and will give you SEO benefits. Alternatively you can also use the clean link option which is just yourdomain.com. With this option it will require your affiliate to provide the exact url of the site that they will be linking to your site from.


24. Require Terms and Service Acceptance :

If this option is checked your affiliates will be required to check the box on the affiliate sign up page agreeing to your terms of service.


25. Enable Unique IP Counter (clicks/impressions) :

This option will allow you to see the total unique clicks from different people that you get on the affiliate links and banners.


26. Redirection URL after Sale Track :

If you would like to redirect the customers to specific url after a sale is tracked, you can specify that URL here.


27. Include First name, Email, Other Parameters in URL Line for Custom Sign-ups :

If this is checked, the first name and other parameters will be passed via the URL so that the data can be picked up by other programs if needed.


28. Allow Deep-Linking :

Enabling Deep Linking will give access to your affiliate to create a unique link for the specific product/page that they wish to promote to their Friends.


29. Include Parameters in Affiliate URL :

If this is checked, the first name and other parameters will be passed via the URL so that the data can be picked up from other custom forms.


30. Customize Affiliate URL :

With this option, you can add your customized values on the right side of the equal sign i.e affiliate_id=affiliate, prodgroup=program, fname=name. It will generate the Affiliate's Referral Link in such a way comprising the added values.


31. Enable Sub ID Tracking :

This option gives the ability to your affiliate to track their sales through the link that he/she has shared on a Blog page as well as on Social Media.


32. Affiliate Dashboard Text :

You can use this option if you would like to add a message or a Tagline to the Affiliate's Dashboard.


33. Set Data Label :

You can pass extra data to the Sales record. If you pass extra data, you can pass 15 different variables. The variables are Setdata1 - 15. From this field, you are able to setup what would be displayed at the Sale Records.