There are times that an affiliate's sale would be refunded by their referrals and we'll go over two scenarios in this article.

Scenario 1: Invoice is still Unpaid

If the refunded sale is still in an unpaid invoice, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Go to Rewards from your admin dashboard.

Steps 2. Click on Manage Invoices. 

Step 3. Click on Blue pencil icon of the invoice that has the refunded sale.

Step 4. Click on the View link of the the refunded sale.

Step 5. Change the status of the refunded sale from Approved to Not Approved and then click on Submit button.

The invoice will be automatically updated by the system removing the refunded sale from the breakdown.

Scenario 2: Invoice is already Paid

If the refunded sale is already paid, you can add a negative sale in the new invoice that will automatically deduct in the total amount of the invoice.

Step 1. Go to rewards from your admin dashboard.

Step 2. Click on Add Sale Record button.

Step 3. Select the Affiliat you want to apply the deduction and the corresponding referral program. Enter the sale amount that was refunded and add (-) minus sign before it. Please note that the negative commission will auto-populate depending on the referral program selected. click on Submit once done.