If you would like to replace the standard OSI Affiliate hosted account url which would be yourcompany.ositracker.com with your own domain name, this can easily by done by following the steps below.

Note: It is imperative that you register your CNAME as secured in order for it to work on all desktop and mobile browsers. Here is an article on how it can be done:

How to use a FREE Cloudflare account to secure your custom domain

Once you secure your CNAME, send a request to [email protected] so we can update the URL on your thank you page.

Step1. Log in to your wix account click the domain page and click show more Icon next to the relevant domain and select Manage DNS Records.

Step2.Scroll to the record type you'd like to add (e.g., CNAME, TXT) and click + Add Record. Enter the DNS record in the relevant fields. Click save then save changes.


Step3.Log into your OSI account. Click set up software then use my domain.

 Step4, Enter the desired sub domain then update.